Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Astral Projection-A Natural Phenomenon

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The astral projection is a real experience that takes place in a dimension other than the physical. Conscious projectors are able to temporarily leave the restriction of their physical body and access non-physical dimensions where they discover new aspects of the nature of consciousness.
The astral projection is completely different from the dream state (ordinary or lucid) and other altered states of consciousness. Nor is it an hallucination, creation of the imagination, or daydream.
Generally the astral projection is a subjectively experienced phenomenon. In some cases, however, such as in cases of physical bilocation, objective, ostensive, physically visible manifestations arise from the consciousness' experiences when projected. Even in 'subjective' projectiology, however, there are cases in which conscious projectors obtain verifiable information that would not have been accessible to them via physical ordinary senses.
The astral projection is a phenomenon that has been known since ancient times. Early references to the OBE are found in Ancient Egypt where priests considered the existence of a subtle body (Ka), as well as in Ancient Greece, where it was mentioned in the writings of Plato, and the studies of the historian Herodotus.
In the last decades of the 20th century, researchers such as Karlis Osis, Janet Lee Mitchell, and Robert Morris, to name a few, published the results of their scientific investigations into psychic experiences and astral projectio (out-of-body phenomenon). From this point on, the out-of-body experience became the subject of more rigorous scientific investigation.
Anthropologists have recently identified that 95% of cultures worldwide believe in some sort of extracorporeal experience (Alcock & Otis, 1980). The out-of-body experience is currently considered to be a universal phenomenon, present in all civilizations and described in many philosophical, religious, and literary writings throughout human history.
Although the phenomenon of conscious projection has been known for millennia, projectiology is a relatively new area of study that focuses on the application of interdimensional phenomena. It is the practical side of conscientiology.

There are many benefits associated with the ability to consciously leave the physical body. The first and foremost benefit is the replacement of belief with direct, personal experience.
Formal research into and self-experimentation with the out-of-body and correlated phenomena allow a greater understanding of our reality as consciousnesses in evolution. By being able to leave the body with lucidity, we are better able to answer for ourselves many of life's fundamental questions such as "who am I?", "what am I doing here?", "is there more to life than our physical experience?", "is biological death the end of existence?"
Benefits of the out-of-body experience include:
  • Elimination of the fear of death;
  • Increase in psychic abilities;
  • Greater understanding of the purpose of life;
  • Ability to communicate with non-physical consciousnesses;
  • Greater sense of humanity and desire to help others;
  • Valuing life more greatly.

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