Saturday, 23 March 2024

A Psychologist Explains The Phenomenon Of ‘Reality Shifting’


Reality shifting refers to a practice where individuals attempt to shift their consciousness or awareness to alternate realities or “realms” through various techniques, often involving meditation, visualization, scripting and intense focus. These alternate realities might be based on existing fictional worlds, personal fantasies or entirely new creations.

At present, there is no scientific consensus on whether individuals can actually shift their consciousness to alternate realities outside of dreams or mental constructs. Reality shifting is primarily seen as a subjective and personal experience of imaginative play rather than a literal alteration of reality.

However, some online communities swear by it. Reality shifting gained prominence on platforms like TikTok, YouTube, Wattpad and Reddit following the Covid-19 pandemic and captivated widespread interest long after, with posts on the subject amassing over 1.8 billion views online. Many interested users are teenagers and young adults.

Individuals may prepare to “shift realities” using mindfulness meditations, subliminal audios and affirmations and by creating a detailed script of the desired reality they wish to shift to, including sensory details, emotions and specific events they want to experience.

Here are two examples of commonly reported reality shifting methods:

  • The Alice In Wonderland method. This involves mentally visualizing oneself falling down a rabbit hole into a different reality, often using meditation or relaxation techniques to aid the visualization process.
  • The elevator method. This involves imagining oneself in an elevator traveling to one’s desired reality located on the top floor. As the elevator ascends past each floor, practitioners focus on intensifying their energy levels. When the energy reaches a high enough level, the elevator doors open, allowing access to the desired reality.
      Popular desired realities include the Harry Potter world, Shadowhunters, Star Wars, anime universes and so on.

A 2021 study examined the psychological characteristics of “reality shifters” and found that they likely share certain unique traits that allow them to engage in the practice.

Here are three psychological traits that may enable reality shifting experiences, according to the study.

1. Absorption

Absorption refers to an individual’s capacity to become deeply immersed in sensory experiences, fantasies or imaginative activities. Individuals with high capacities for absorption tend to have vivid imaginations, a heightened ability to concentrate and a propensity for intense emotional and sensory experiences.

Individuals who engage in reality shifting seem to leverage their capacity for absorption to enhance their ability to mentally simulate and immerse themselves in alternate realities.

Researchers suggest that such individuals may also be more susceptible to altered states of consciousness, including trance-like or hypnotic states. Reality shifters may use this susceptibility to induce a state of deep relaxation or suggestibility, which they believe can enhance their ability to reality shift.

“Those succeeding in initiating RS (reality shifting) are presumably high in absorption in that they can narrow their attention and ignore external distractions and can experience their DR (desired reality) as a vivid and life-like alternate reality,” the researchers explain.

2. Dissociation

Dissociation is a psychological phenomenon characterized by a disconnection between thoughts, identity, consciousness and memory. It can manifest in various forms, ranging from mild detachment or spacing out to more severe experiences of depersonalization and derealization, where individuals feel disconnected from themselves or their surroundings.

Individuals who engage in reality shifting may exhibit dissociative absorption, which involves becoming deeply absorbed in an alternate reality to the point of temporarily losing awareness of their actual surroundings or sense of self.

During periods of dissociative absorption, individuals may experience distortions in their perception of time and space, further blurring the boundaries between reality and fantasy.

Dissociation in the context of reality shifting may not necessarily be diagnosed as a dissociative disorder or form of pathology. Instead, it reflects a temporary and voluntary alteration of consciousness that individuals may actively seek out as part of their exploration of alternate realities. However, it can be dangerous if it comes at the expense of meaningfully engaging with their actual reality.

3. Fantasy-Proneness

Fantasy-proneness is characterized by a heightened tendency to have intense and vivid fantasies, daydreams or imaginary experiences. Individuals who are fantasy-prone often find it easy to immerse themselves in imaginative worlds, sometimes to the extent that they have difficulty distinguishing between fantasy and reality.

Fantasy-prone individuals typically have a rich and detailed imagination, allowing them to conjure elaborate mental images and scenarios.

Fantasy-prone individuals may also develop strong emotional connections to fictional characters or imaginary companions. Similarly, reality shifters may form attachments to the characters and settings of their desired realities, investing emotionally in their interactions and experiences within these alternate worlds.

“Before I plan on shifting, I write myself a script in the notes app on my phone, in which I plan exactly what happens in the desired reality. This makes it easier to visualize exactly what I want to happen, so I might script that I want to go to Hogwarts and for Draco to be my boyfriend, or that he will flirt with me,” writes a TikTok user.

Fantasy-prone individuals may use their imaginative worlds as a means of escape from stress, boredom or dissatisfaction with reality. Reality shifting can be motivated by a desire for temporary respite from the challenges of everyday life and instead spending time in alternate realities where one experiences a greater sense of control.

However, according to some users, reality shifting can also feel addictive, making them feel a lack of personal agency even in their chosen reality. Over-reliance on alternate realities to cope with stress or discomfort can also impede the development of psychological resilience and adaptive coping skills.

Overall, it is essential to approach reality shifting with caution and critical thinking. While it may offer benefits such as creative expression, relaxation and access to fascinating inner worlds, it’s essential to maintain a balanced perspective and stay grounded in one’s present reality.

Do you escape to imaginary worlds to experience alternative intimacy? Take the Emotional Promiscuity Scale to gain clarity.

Mark Travers, Ph.D., is an American psychologist with degrees from Cornell University and the University of Colorado Boulder. He is the lead


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