Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Esoteric Physics, Multi-Dimensional Perception and Spiritual Insights

Blogger Reference Link http://www.p2pfoundation.net/Multi-Dimensional_Science

August 20, 2012  

"The Spirits of the Goetia are portions of the human brain."

Aleister Crowley

We conventionally call ‘psycho-creatures’ all those intelligences that, following a certain esoteric terminology, distinguish themselves as:

• Divinities

• Egregors

• Guardians, angels and angelicity

• Demons

• Energized thought forms and subtle creatures (or extra-dimensional beings that manifest in

the same manner)

• Disincarnate presences and helpers

• Planetary spirits, elementals and those of nature

• Larvae and ‘shells’ or phantoms.

All these entities make up a complex multi-dimensional and spiritual ecosystem, as well as the energy food chain in which we are immersed and participate regardless of whether we are aware of it or not.

In general terms we can say that each one of these:

• Originates from a human aspect or from a personal a/o collective human projection

• Represents more or less active and intelligent ‘information’

• Superimposes itself or presides over an energetic/physical field, influencing its dynamics at various levels

• Nourishes itself on vital a/o psychic a/o spiritual energy

• Can enter into communication with the human being for different reasons and in different ways

• Its manifestation can determine itself or be determined with great holographic versatility, influenced by the thought and suggestions that are applied to it.

Every psycho-creature contains and manages forces of a lower level, directing events in order to safeguard the territory from which it receives the energetic nourishment used for its own maintenance and development. The most complex entities ‘know’ how to cultivate their own resources by creating a suitable spiritual and subtle habitat, more or less in symbiosis with the human being and its evolution. The entities of a lower level often create a parasitic relationship with the energies or Form with which they enter into contact.

The human being is part of this spiritual eco-system and, as a bridge-Form, should be its evolved interpreter in relation to the material world.

If we are living in an eco-system, it is normal that beings from many other dimensions enter into contact with us or even make ‘use’ of us. According to esoteric tradition, extra a/o multi-dimensional Forms exist and continuously interact with us even though we do not realize it.

Perhaps in a previous phase of evolutionary human immaturity these entities – of different orders and degree – might have eventually constituted a scale of values towards the Real and Consciousness. Today, however, the psychic, astral, subtle or divine planes, as we often call them, are populated by entities that have absolved themselves of their function and now cloud and distance the human being from his essence and the reality of things, be they devils, spirits, angels or ‘God’.

The time is right. We need to proceed with a change in consciousness, to purify, liberate and acknowledge that which lies in each one of us: our most profound Essence.

Incidentally, from this point of view ufological phenomenon and contactism can be considered part of a much wider scenario of the esoteric sciences or of those disciplines that study the link between our inner and outer worlds. There is no real demarcation between our consciousness and the object perceived by it. In the evaluation of UFO phenomena, extraterrestrials and aliens, and certainly before we push ourselves to classify races and draw conclusions as to their ‘agendas’, we have to establish if these entities are connected to ‘alternative realities’.

The ufologist and classic contactee do not usually concern themselves with this.

Even less so the abductee [1], with good reason, if acting on good faith with interpretations of phenomena (because here we are only talking about interpretations) that insist on terrifying scenarios. They exclude – perhaps because they do not know – keys to reading that take into account vaster perspectives. For example the disciplines of trans-humanistic psychology, esoteric physics, the anthropology of the sacred and in the final analysis, reality and consciousness.

The UFO phenomenon seems to interact with the collective psyche and if the collective psyche ‘takes on’ certain forms, it might well take on those forms that make themselves available. If at a collective level we were to modify such a paradigm, we could verify if such phenomena assume different connotations just as physics theorizes on how phenomena behave according to the conditions of observation.

UFOs – the genuine manifestations – appear when they find the right psychic contents that will give shape to them, including solid form.

I know that it seems simplistic to reduce them to manifestations of consciousness but in the current context it helps if we consider other mechanisms from a higher level of observation.

For now, though, let’s limit ourselves and begin with the idea that we are talking about a Form which is given energy that is part of an aspect of reality we have yet to discover.

The UFO phenomena represents a window on the beyond and also encourages us to investigate just how much is alien inside of us or at least to recognize how tightly we are bound to what we have been taught to believe the world is all about.

Adopting a dualistic scheme (good-evil), reality assumes those self-same connotations. The forces of evil perceived as real and hostile and perhaps also materialized through UFO phenomena, could in reality be entities generated and nourished by us. They could be an effect of human behaviour that has lasted for millennia and not the historical cause of our status [2].

The awakening has to begin from inside of us. It is we who lend ourselves to games of illusion, deceit and pillage. There are many political, social, religious and cultural realities that tend to perpetuate what is a mechanism of energetic ‘vampirism’. This is certainly one of the causes of Evil and it has been generated by Mankind itself. Continuing to perceive reality in terms of a good-evil dualism results in modifying the structure of what is real. We are capable of creating all the hells and paradises that we want. If we leave behind the idea of sin, the devil, the messiah and the enemy or the sheep-shepherd-wolf paradigm and the need to be continually reassured and saved (concepts of the Judaic-Christian matrix that have distorted the values of the New Age itself), the phenomenon would probably change

A metaphysical hypothesis with regard to the UFO phenomenon has already been explored by Carl G. Jung. In fact the pioneer of psychology often concerned himself with the UFO phenomenon in his writings and in particular in his celebrated essay A Modern Myth: the things that one sees in the sky, interpreting them as unconscious psychic representations linked to collectively relevant events.

After Jung, the scientist Jacques Vallée, who worked as an astronomer and collaborator with NASA in the 1970’s took up the theme again but was fiercely opposed by the international ufological community. Its researchers were relentless in their desire to give the phenomenon – be it physical or psychic – a connotation of an interference that is somewhat ‘other’ in respect to our reality, preferring to place it on the physical rather than para-physical plane.

Nevertheless, in that same period, psychedelic experiences – the main interest of neuro-physicians, anthropologists, botanists and a plethora of ‘flower children’ (the roles often coincided!) - later brought to the attention of a wider public by Carlos Casteneda [3], seem to give serious credit to a far from simple interpretation of the question.

We should also not exclude the effect on reality a/o the psyche provoked by experiments with time and holographic technology, whether they be of this world or another.

Terence McKenna, in True Hallucinations, affirms with great optimism that: «… The UFO is a reflection of a future event that promises humanity’s eventual mastery over time, space and matter.[…] I am even more convinced that the answer to all of these mysteries that shake our classic view of the world is to be understood by looking inside ourselves.[…] The paths of the heart lead to nearby universes, full of life and benevolent feelings towards humanity. »

I feel it is important not to underestimate the para-physical (and esoteric [4]) interpretation of a phenomenon, that is certainly and undeniably becoming more ‘frequent’, in the search for the key to its manifestation.

The universe is a product of our consciousness and a projection of our senses: we are at one with the Absolute which, for some reason, presents itself in the form of different frequencies of energy and consciousness. They relate to one another and create, in our case, the image that constitutes our plane of existence and which appears to be three-dimensional and oriented in uni-directional time.

According to some, we (and our lives) are Maya, illusion, as portrayed in the film ‘Matrix’; according to others however, doubt cannot be cast upon our existence or at least our form of existence, which is significant in itself.

Reality could be positioned somewhere in between: we find ourselves in an illusion (and it is always good to remember that) which is nevertheless our reality (so we cannot possibly deny it).

All things considered it is better to not be hasty in drawing conclusions about the UFO phenomenon and the nature of ‘alien’ interference or even pretend to have definitively understood its nature or intentions (or ‘agenda’). The origin of such interference is not yet clear and definitive, just as the nature of the reality that we define as ‘physical’ and ‘material’ is not yet clear, especially when related to the dynamics of our psyche. And as William Shakespeare so aptly says in Hamlet, “There are more things in heaven and earth Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”

We ourselves can be said to exist on a certain plane of existence, which is manifested and projected through dynamics that are not yet completely decoded. This ‘existing’ is nevertheless confined inside rather limited parameters and our current existence will in all probability result as being fictitious when compared in a broader sense.

Those wider parameters could relate to our nature which is likewise much more expansive than we realize and what is currently considered as supernatural or alien could, on another level, be the natural expression of reality and ourselves.

Our existence is played out in a sensorial circuit that we need to control and decrypt in order to give reality a chrism of truthfulness despite the fact that our senses are vibrating and testing that reality on the same frequencies. Although our senses give us the sensation of reality in all its physicality, it is only equivalent to its existential ‘plane’.

We are living at a historical moment in which culture and values are being re-examined and the same esoteric dimensions are being mixed together to reformulate a concept of reality: in this sense we are perhaps on the threshold of great changes.

We will go into the themes inherent in parallel worlds and the ‘separation of the planes’ in Appendix II. It is increasingly obvious that the certainties of our global village which have been consolidated up to now, be they material or spiritual, are disintegrating and re-organizing according to potential schemes that could take off in many different directions [5].

To describe their form I scatter rhymes no more,

reader, for other expense binds me

so, that in this I cannot be lavish.

But read Ezekiel, for he depicts them

as he saw them come from the cold quarter

with wind, with cloud, with fire;

Dante Alighieri - Purgatorio Canto XXIX, 97-102

Please note due to technical problems certain "footnotes" are missing.

Ref http://mindbreathmeditation.blogspot.co.uk/


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