Friday, 14 November 2014

The Spirit Science

The Spirit Science

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The Spirit Science is a website created by Jordan Duchnycz[1] (who goes also under the name Jordan David Pearce [2]), a native of Winnipeg Canada. The site promotes a wide range of New Age woo including but not limited to astral projection, chakras, crystal woo, orgone energy, quantum woo and sacred geometry. There is also a YouTube channel loaded with the same stuff.



[edit] Beliefs

It would likely be easier to list the beliefs the Spirit "Science" does not adhere to. The Spirit "Science" is a conglomeration of nearly every piece of pseudoscience and pseudohistory you have ever heard of. The people of The Spirit "Science" believe that Martians came to Atlantis and began ruling the human population of Atlantis. They also believe that a part of the pyramids is a space "warship" that was used in 1989 to make all the greys get sick causing them to flee earth, and that there is a giant underground city under Egypt near the ship. A tunnel in Romania that goes to Egypt. And that there are 13 families that are descendants of the Martians that invaded Atlantis and are now secretly controlling the world and are essentially the Illuminati, except that the Illuminati are no longer the true (good, human) Illuminati, but actually a Catholic corruption of the Illuminati. And that Jews are aliens (but good aliens). No, really.[3]

[edit] In response to criticism

The show already preemptively instructs to "neither believe nor disbelieve" its claims. The followers usually quote this when criticism arises. But smashing your rational capabilities so that you form no conclusions about the likelihood of claims is itself a problem, and it is also clear that these followers do believe the claims, often defending them.
The show has responded to another YouTube channel that voiced criticism. The response went on and on about how "I understand what you are going through" and stuff, without actually stating what that was. It was a kind of "horoscope"-style response to criticism, vague enough that the followers could imagine that it was on point.

[edit] So why do we care?

Well, Jordan also espouses potentially harmful beliefs, such as the healing power of crystals and positive thinking (he once claimed that if you get sick it's because you made it happen with the power of your thoughts), and his YouTube channel has 375,000 followers.
That's bad.
There are people who believe him and what he says, and the majority of what he says is inaccurate at best and harmful to practice at worst. He also is on record claiming that science, for example, doesn't know why water expands when it freezes, and advocates a lot of alternative medicine (a lot being defined as 'all of it'). Anyone who watches him for their information is coming out with an inaccurate view of history, science, and medicine.

[edit] External links

[edit] Footnotes

  3. ""

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