Monday, 21 December 2015

Sufi Cosmology


Arvan Harvat  Blogger Ref

We will present two doctrines, both based on Qur'anic revelation enriched and clarified ( or corrupted- depending on one's taste ) by Neoplatonic emanationist cosmology.
A. According to the first doctrine (ref), God has three dimensions/modes of Being before creation, followed by three worlds/planes of created cosmos.
1. The unfathomable God's Essence; Abyss of the Unmanifest Absolute. The Sufi technical tems are: Ghayb ul-Ghaib ( Mystery of Mysteries ), Amma ( Darkess ), Dhat/Zat ( Essence ). The corresponding spiritual stage is called Ahadiyyat- Oneness. This is equal to Plotinus's  One - To Hen , or to the Shaivite Tantric Paramashiva or Mahabindu.
2. The Manifest Absolute/God. The Sufi terms are Ar-Ruh al-Qudsi ( the Supreme Spirit ), Aql-i-Awwal ( First Intellect ) or Aql-i-Kulli ( Universal Intellect ). The corresponding spiritual stage is named Wahdah. The Neoplatonic equivalent of the Plotinus's doctrine would be Nous ( Divine Mind ), while certain schools of Tantricism speak of Shiva, or Shiva/Shakti union. N.B. There are tariqas and scholars who deny divine status of the First Intellect and relegate it to the realm of creation.
3. The God's creative energy as manifested through divine names and attributes ( ayan at'-thabita ).  The "energy"/creative aspect is clear from identification with Qur'anic notion of Nafas-i-Rahmani ( The Breath of Mercy ).  Also, it is termed Nafs-i-Kulliya ( Universal Soul ). The spiritual stage is Wahdaniyyat. The exact correspondence is with Plotinus's Psyche ( World Soul ). Shaivite texts refer to Shakti as activated Shiva's creative energy.
N.B. Having in mind all similarities with Neoplatonism, one must not overlook the difference: in Plotinus's system, emanations are hypostases of the One, flowing, as it were, "outward" and signifying the degradation of the Absolute.  On the other hand, the above noted processes represent a desirable unfoldment of the Absolute in Sufi mythic cosmology.
B. The second doctrine (ref) operates with two concepts.
1. The Unmanifest Absolute ( Alam-i-Hahut/the "world" of "He-ness", Hu-He being the Arabic term pertaining to God's Essence prior to manifestation. The "world" is just a symbolic reference. This, unmanifest dimension is frequently referred to only as Hahut). Of course, all other Arabic names given under the point 1. of the first doctrine are valid. The spiritual stage is Ahadiyyat.
2. The manifest Absolute ( Alam-i-Lahut/the "world" of God-ness, the root "Lah" one and the same as in Al-Lah (God). Also, generally spoken of as Lahut). The spiritual stage pertaining to Lahut is sometimes referred to as Wahdah, sometimes as Wahadiyyat. There is no consensus communis re this matter.
Both above elucidated doctrines share the same terminology re the stages of manifestation ( tanazzulat ) of the created cosmos. Following the emanationist scheme, we have top to bottom ( of course, not literally; these are dimensions of manifestation conveniently stratified ):
4. Alam-i-Jabarut/the world of power; also Alam-i-Arwah ( the world of spirits; ruh meaning spirit, arwah being the plural form ). Roughly corresponding to the world of Platonic archetypes, Shaivite Shivaloka ( the world of Shiva ), or causal world of Western occultism.
5. Alam-i-Malakut/the world of angels. This somewhat incongruous term is frequently replaced by Alam-i-Mithal/the world of similitudes.  This Henry Corbin's famous mundus imaginalis/world of imagination, Tantric Antarloka ( the intermediary world ), or subtle/astro-mental world of Western occultists.
6. Alam-i-Nasut/the world of humanity, better designated as Alam-i-Ajsam/the world of bodies. Tantric tradition speaks of Bhuloka/the world of earth. In Western occultism, the name is gross or physical world. To summarise on tabular form:
Kosmos /Alam Sufi terminology
Kosmos (general)
Neoplatonic equivalent - Plotinus
Tantric equivalent
 Western occultism - Theosophy and contemporary Hermeticism
The Unmanifest Absolute
The One
The Manifest Absolute
The Nous
Causal World
 Shivaloka (world of Shiva)
Causal Plane
Subtle World
Tantric Antarloka (intermediary world)
Mental Plane Astral Plane
Physical World
Bhuloka (world of earth)
gross or physical

printed referenceReferences:

Mir Valiuddin: Quranic Sufism
Titus Burckhardt: Amazon com Introduction to Sufi Doctrine

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Wednesday, 16 December 2015



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Archeosofica is a school of esoteric Christianity founded by Tommaso Palamidessi in 1968 in Rome. It offers a program of research and of experimental results, by supplying Booklets and other textbooks in which the most important subjects of Archeosophy, i. e. “Science of Principles”, are developed.[1]
The school requires neither a fee nor the subscription of any membership. The school of Archeosofica is free and offers a program of research and of experiments by supplying booklets and other texts. The foundation of Archeosofica is rooted in Palamidessi's spirit of collaboration on the spiritual realisation of man and woman. According to Tommaso Palamidessi, Archeosofica is
an esoteric school that prepares for Initiation: a free school for free scholars, who must not feel like pupils nor apprentices, but brothers who listen to the living voice of other brothers, or who wish to doctrinate themselves by their writings that present the results of serious studies and experiences: Brothers who have started out with a mentality free of prejudices and who have analyzed, chosen and accepted the best of all the other ancient and modern esoteric schools.[2]
It is a call addressed to all, and it does not matter if they belong to the different communities (Theosophists, Anthroposophists, Martinists, Rosicrucians, Catholics, Yoghists, etc.). The Brotherhood is only one, and it can have only one verb: Love one another; only one Master: Jesus the Christ.[2]
Tommaso Palamidessi's thought about co-operation and fraternal spirit and is repeated more than once in his works and reveals the idea which inspired the foundation of Archeosofica
...we are all brothers and we must unite, love each other and work together. The Ecumenical Council is not only of the religions, but also of the esoteric societies. The times require the co-operation of all, and we offer a Way which is safe, swift, direct, towards the overcoming of one's own moral, psychic, spiritual and biological state.[3]

Archeosofica and the integral Ascesis[edit]

Archeosofica proposes an integral Ascesis, composed, that is, of other integrative asceses which we enumerate as follows:[1]
  1. Physiological and Psychosomatic Ascesis, for the physical well being and the maximum balance and performability of the body, its energies, to the purpose of making it a temple of the spirit: a necessary basis for preparing a good karma (destiny) in view of the resurrection of the body, healthy and beautiful.
  2. Social Ascesis that is the effort, exercise, methodical and progressive action to become a perfect citizen and to make oneself a spokesman of a new society resting on the pillars of charity, non-violence, reciprocal economic, cultural and spiritual assistance.
  3. Mystical Ascesis, through an intense devotional life of dialogue with the Divinity; a process of inner transmutation leading to active ecstasy, to the vision of the Light. It is the Alchemist's Opus in White, the entrance into the Waters of Life, the sojourn of the Saints: prelude to a new state of superior ascent towards the Kingdom of God.
  4. Theurgical Ascesis, or progressing with the rites which attract the friendship and help of God, of the Christ, of the Mother, of the helpful Angelic Spirits, Archangelic and of the Universal Communion of the Adepts and the Saints.
  5. Magical Ascesis, effort and action to dominate the forces of Nature. Read the definition of Magic we have given in our Encyclopedic Dictionary of Archeosophy (40th Booklet - first part).
  6. Cosmic Ascesis, action and advance towards a syntony or cosmicization with the whole: stars, elements, skies, etc.
  7. Sapiential and Initiatic Ascesis, or the spiritual elevation of oneself through the Knowledge and particular practices leading to an inner transmutation and to the qualitative leap. It is the way to come out of the Waters of the phenomenic world, the going beyond the mystical state, it is the christic walking above the Waters. It is the perennial wakefulness and the Alchemist's Opus in Red, that is the royal state of who has finally exited from the game of creation.
All these forms of ascesis are explained as doctrine and as practice in special booklets called "Archeosophy Booklets".

Archeosophy Booklets[edit]

Subjects of Archeosophy are developed in special booklets called Archeosophy Booklets. There are about 50 Booklets which investigate various subjects as esoteric Christianity, Reincarnation, Out of Body Experience, Meditation, Clairvoyance, Esotericism, Alchemy, Symbolism, Mysticism, Pranotherapy, and so on.[4]

See also[edit]


  1. ^ Jump up to: a b Palamidessi Tommaso, THE ARCHAIC TRADITION AND FOUNDATIONS OF ARCHEOSOPHICAL INITIATION, first Booklet, Archeosofica, 1968
  2. ^ Jump up to: a b Palamidessi Tommaso, 3rd Booklet of Archeosophy, ed Archeosofica, 1968
  3. Jump up ^ Palamidessi Tommaso, 1st Booklet of Archeosophy, ed Archeosofica, 1968
  4. Jump up ^ A complete list of the booklets can be found on the Archeosophical Society site
  • Encyclopedia of New Religious Movements, the article on "Archeosophy" by P.L. Zoccatelli in Peter B. Clarke (ed.), Londra - New York: Routledge, 2006, p. 38-39.
  • Tommaso Palamidessi, The Archaic Tradition and Foundation of Archeosophical Initiation
  • M. Introvigne, Il Cappello del mago. I nuovi movimenti magici, dallo spiritismo al satanismo, Milano: Sugarco 1990, p. 330-332.
  • C. Gatto Trocchi, Magia ed esoterismo in Italia, Milano: Mondadori, 1990, p. 142-145.
  • Enciclopedia delle religioni in Italia, a cura di M. Introvigne, P.L. Zoccatelli, N.I. Macrina e Veronica Roldan, Torino: Elledici, 2001, p. 791-792 [nuova edizione: M. Introvigne - P.L. Zoccatelli (sotto la direzione di), Le religioni in Italia, Elledici - Velar, Leumann (Torino) - Gorle (Bergamo) 2006, pp. 842–844].

External links[edit]

Category:Esoteric schools of thought


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Esoteric schools of thought are schools, currents or movements which have an occult system of thought based on esoteric knowledge. They aid to prepare the individual toward spiritual evolution. It almost always deals with some system of esoteric cosmology and contain some common themes as rebirth, occult history of human evolution, planes of existence, and Initiation into those same planes or inner worlds.


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The Dhillon factors in Religare


With Rs 900-cr holding, Shabnam Dhillon, largest minority shareholder, is closely related to the Religare's promoters, the Singh brothers, and their guru

N Sundaresha Subramanian  |  New Delhi 


The Dhillon shadow over Religare

Religare Enterprises Ltd

BSE 319.1511.70 (3.81%)
NSE 319.4012.10 (3.94%)
Radha Saomi Satsang Beas (RSSB) and people associated with it have shot back into the discourse of corporate India after Shivinder Mohan Singh, co-promoter of listed companies Religare and Fortis, recently said he would be closely associated with the sect.

Singh is related on the maternal side to RSSB’s current head, Gurinder Singh Dhillon. Dhillon’s predecessor, Charan Singh, was maternal grandfather of the Religare promoters. The spiritual connection had extended to the business, too. From the latest shareholding details, Religare’s largest minority shareholder is Shabnam Singh Dhillon, wife of the RSSB head. She has a direct holding of 8.5 per cent.

(the Blogger's key comment.... The RSSB also teaches a form of mysticism known as Surat Shabd Yoga in which the soul is connected to the Sound Current of Spirit, and uses It as means to achieve the Higher Plane for "God-Realization." However, it has been known for a long time too that the head of the organization has great interest in business. Many in the West notably may regard this as incompatible with spirituality. As to whether the leader, or rather guru is perfect, or not is something which is explained in earlier post by myself. See the link on this blog for more details  )

In addition to her direct holdings, two companies --SGGD Project Development and Bestest Developers -- owned 4.21 per cent and 4.8 per cent, respectively, in Religare as of June. SGGD Projects, according to latest filings with the registrar of companies (RoC), was fully owned by Shabnam Singh. Bestest is a fully owned subsidiary of SGGD Projects. In May 2014, Bestest acquired these Religare shares through a structured transaction, funded by a Rs 335-crore debenture issue of its parent, SGGD.

In a ratings report for the 2014 debenture issue by SGGD, Brickworks Ratings said, “The company plans to raise Rs 335 crore by way of proposed principal protected fully redeemable non-convertible listed debentures with a tenor of up to five years. Bestest Developers, a special purpose vehicle (SPV), wholly owned by SGGD, was formed in 2008. SGGD proposes to invest up to Rs 300 crore in this SPV for subscription to preferential allotment of equity shares by Religare Enterprises Ltd (REL). The SPV is expected to purchase about 90 lakh shares of REL at Rs 316.78 per share.”

The cumulative 17.5 per cent Religare stake held by Dhillon is now worth Rs 915 crore. Her son, Gurpreet Singh Dhillon, is chief executive officer (CEO) of Religare Health Trust, an affiliate of Religare Global. Religare says she is only an investor and does not have any role in the company, executive or otherwise.

The Dhillon factors in Religare
In December 2007, when Religare was first listed, the family’s shareholding was in the name of sons Gurpreet and Gurkeerat. In December 2010, the Dhillon family had approached the market regulator for exemption from open offer provisions, as it wanted to consolidate the holdings of various entities into a single holding company called Logos Holding. At this point, the sons held 9.73 per cent each in the company, the father had 0.02 per cent and one Nayantara Dhillon had 0.05 percent. The total holding thus sought to be consolidated was 19.53 per cent.

Though the Securities and Exchange Board of India cleared the proposal, the Logos plan did not seem to have gone through. Following this, Shabnam Dhillon emerged as the largest shareholder, with a stake of around 8.6 per cent in the filings in September 2012. She had taken over the shares of younger son Gurkeerat and part-shares of Gurpreet. By September 2013, Shabnam had 12.93 per cent and the sons did not figure in the prominent public shareholders list. In the subsequent quarters, her personal stake got reduced and settled around 8.5 per cent, while SGGD Projects and Bestest entered the shareholders list.

Brickworks also dwelt on the background of Shabnam Dhillon in its rating report of May 2014. “SGGD Projects Development Pvt Ltd was incorporated in 2010, as Mehta and Mehta Real Estate Pvt Ltd, with the principal objective being to provide consulting and advisory services in real estate projects, import and export of machinery, equipment, etc. In 2013-14, the company was bought by Shabnam Dhillon. She is a part of the Dhillon family, which has interests in the real estate business, and has a number of commercial real estate projects that have been implemented in Delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, Pune, Mumbai and Ahmedabad.”

The Brickwork report added that the Dhillon family owned and ran commercial real estate project ventures in and around Delhi and Mumbai. “Shabnam Dhillon’s sons, Gurpreet Singh Dhillon and Gurkirat Singh Dhillon, are currently the CEO of Religare Health Trust and operations manager at Fortis Healthcare International, respectively,” it said.

According to Roc records, 54-year old Dhillon is a director on at least 10 companies, other than SGGD. These include GYS Real Estate, TripleLess Realtors, Prius, Rapid Buildwell, Elegance Malls, Pawan IMpex, Verne Developers and Sharan Hospitality. The group is collectively referred to as the GYS group.

An e-mail seeking comments, sent to the company secretary of this group, remained unanswered. In an e-mail response, a Religare spokesperson said, “Ms Dhillon is an independent shareholder and doesn’t have any executive or non-executive role in Religare. Gurpreet Dhillon her son, as publicly disclosed, is the CEO for Religare Health Trust, anaffiliate of Religare Global Asset Management.”

The spokesperson added that Religare and its business matters were run by a professional, best-in- class management team, governed by an independent board.

In response to a query on whether Shivinder's move to renounce executive positions would result in Dhillon assuming a greater role in day to day affairs, the Religare spokesperson said, “This question is bizarre and has no correlation with your earlier questions. Seemingly speculative with a view to sensationalise and create a news angle when there isn’t any.”

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Category:Conceptions of self


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Monday, 14 December 2015

Exoteric, Esoteric, and Levels of Reality

Blogger Ref


By Alan Kazlev
The distinction between esoteric and exoteric allows us to see how different areas of knowledge pertain to the four basic metaphysical levels.  If we list general fields of inquiry and practice, we would have:

Realitymy cosmologyNeoplatonic paradigmKabbalistic paradigmHuston Smith (Forgotten Truth) by Huston SmithExotericEsoteric
Godhead or AbsoluteAbsolute RealityAbsolute- 
the One
En SofSpirit/Infiniten/aMonistic mysticism
Spiritual- Divine (God)Noetic
Soul/CelestialReligionTheistic mysticism
Psychic- IntermediatePsychicSoulYetzirahMind/IntermediatePsychology
naive Religion
PhysicalPhysicalSense world (Hyle)AsiyahBody/PhysicalSciencen/a
Obviously, there is some overlap, in that some areas of knowledge (especially in the Mystical and Hermetic - Occult fields) pertain to more than one reality.  Confusion also arises through the fact that lower-order forms of knowledge (such as "born-again" Christianity - Psychic/Intermediate level) claim to represent higher realities (Divine and Absolute) than they actually pertain do.  Moreover, both Esoteric and Exoteric fields pertain to these various levels, the Esoteric fairly accurately, the Exoteric less so.
One could also observe that each of the three main metaphysical alternatives of Materialism, Dualism, and Monism are valid, but only inasmuch as they apply to their own particular "segment" of the spectrum of being. Materialism pertains to the Physical, or level one; Dualism to the Intermediate (psychic or psychological; level two) or the celestial (spiritual; level three) alongside the physical; and Monism to the Infinite (or the Absolute: level four, in contrast and in relation to the other three levels.
At level one, the Physical, the laws of science apply, but not the laws of magic, which belong to level two.  Hence the materialist or sceptic, who understands only level one, dismisses magic as "superstition" or "pseudo-science".
With each higher level, different laws, and a different way of experiencing Reality, apply.  And sometimes it happens that one of the higher levels can "break through" into one of the lower and manifest there, in so doing overriding the laws of that lower level.  When that happens we have what is generally called a "miracle", a Divine break-through.  Understood from the emanationist perspective it can be seen that there is nothing "supernatural" or "mysterious" about this at all; it is all a matter of metaphysics, even if it is not a matter of physics.

This book is much less about comparative religion and more about a hierarchical cosmology in which the renowned scholar of comparative religion Prof. Smith, inspired by the "Primordialist" School of Fritjof Schuon, Rene Gueneon, and co, posits four ontological grades as a means of integrating science, religion, mysticism, phenomenology, and folklore into one grand picture. I had already been thinking along these lines when I read this book many years ago, but his simple presentation really galvanised my own perspective, and helped give me a basic and uncluttered framework on which to build. There is no real mention of emanation in his book, and so his cosmology is curiously static, and in addition quite simplistic. One might also wonder if this ontological gradation is as universally held as he claims. But even so this is a very good introduction to the idea of an ontological gradation of reality

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Reviving the Ancient Polymath Spirit to Meet Modern Challenges We can embrace interdisciplinary learning for innovative problem-solving. Posted January 16, 2025 | Reviewed by Gary Drevitch

  by   Nigel R. Bairstow Ph.D. Disconnection Dynamics Psychology Today Key points Ancient Arab polymaths excelled by integrating diverse kno...