Tuesday, 28 June 2022

Definitions........and Integral Relativity? Ref Lex Neale


The following was found mysteriously in my gmail. It is quite interesting. However, Multi-Dimensional Science as it appears on the p2pfoundation offers a far more comprehensive picture in connection as to how to "prove" psi and spiritual phenomena to some extent RS/ https://wiki.p2pfoundation.net/Multi-Dimensional_Science

I think I may actually know the source of the following which is Lex Neale with whom I crossed swords unfortunately. See intro marked X after the text below.

Facebook site  https://www.facebook.com/integralrelativity/


These are akin to Hilbert Spaces, and the Kayas of Vedic cosmology, but not like the  Many Universes theory.  Like the Kayas, the Dimensions form a “layer cake”, each  layer being a full spectrum extending from its Ground State, or Carrier Wave. As the  Dimensions descend into greater density, from Causal 6D to Subtle 5D to Physical 4D and below, each successive Ground State is of lower frequency and higher  amplitude. In this way the higher Dimensions are embedded in, and embodied by  the lower Dimensions in an Information continuum. 

The Physical Dimension is comprised of 4 sub-dimensions, each existing with their  own energy laws and injunctions. Again, they rest in and emerge from the Ground  State or Zero Point Field, which is the Aether or 0D. This is undifferentiated variable  density Energy that embraces all the Information in accordance with Planck’s  Constant. This is the Vedic Akashic Field as proposed by Ervin Laszlo.  

Emerging from 0D is the Sub-Quantum Field or 1D. Here proto-forms begin to take  shape, known as fluctuons due to their fluctuating nature as they appear out of and  disappear back into 0D. This is how Information is transduced between 0D and 1D. 

Emerging from 1D is the Quantum Field or 2D forms that obey quantum laws, and  are the constituents of sub-atomic structure as per the Standard Model. 

Emerging from 2D are the micro through macro structures comprising the visible  3D Physical Universe and its Newtonian laws. 

Emerging from 3D locality is 4D non-locality and its Bohmian entanglement laws,  according to wave properties operating at velocities that surpass the speed of light  as “instantaneous” Information exchange throughout the 4 Lower Dimensions. Some  classes of wave are beyond even non-local, providing an Information bridge  between the 4D Physical and the 5D Subtle Dimensions. 

Multi-Dimensional Science therefore differentiates and classifies Energy according  to these Dimensions, thus preventing conflation between Dimensions and obviating  the any dimensional confusion between the sciences. 


These are states and structures of the wave-form that are co-existent and inter dependent, which is possibly why science has not differentiated A, E and I as  functional entities. 

Integral Relativity’s First Tenet equates Awareness with Energy, as a direct  extension of Special Relativity’s equation of Energy with Mass. SR is velocity based,  via the speed of light constant; whereas IR is frequency based, via Planck’s Constant. 

However, they coalesce to form a Multi-Dimensional Mass-Energy-Awareness  continuum of Information. 

Information is common to both Awareness and Energy, so we deal with  Information first. Apart from the obvious in-forming of Awareness and Energy,  Information itself has been shown to be a form of Energy with Mass in the 3D  context, which is hardly surprising considering that its coding (dealt with later)  requires the manipulation of the wave-form in its Amplitude, Frequency and Spin.  Planck’s law basically states that the higher the frequency of a wave, the more  Information it can hold. So the quasi-infinite frequency of any specified Ground State  can hold a quasi-infinite amount of Information. This is Laszlo’s basis of the Akashic  Field or universal memory. 

Information is therefore experiential, such as a Multi-Dimensional Kosmos  experiencing and retaining its entire evolutionary process.  If Information is the  experience, then who/what is the experiencer? Which brings us to the Awareness  side of the equation. 

Awareness etymologically comes from A-varus, meaning in Truth. This indicates  that it was historically considered as an Absolute. This immediately suggests that  Planck’s law is multi-dimensional. Multi-Dimensional Science then differentiates  modes of Awareness according to its Dimension.  

What is 0D Awareness? As the ZPF it would suggest a matrix with the omniscience  afforded by Planck. 1D proto-awareness would then extend to Field sensitivity in  transducing required Information via fluctuons. 2D proto-awareness would be an  emerging quantum charge sensitivity. In 3D Awareness we witness a burgeoning  complexity from micro to macro sates and structures. Elements and minerals,  although 3D, retain their 2D quantum structure; but emerging complexity as life  forms shifts to 3D Sensory Awareness. However, all life forms are also accompanied  by a 4D Energy Body, which upholds 3D structures; and with further complexity  becomes the vehicle of 4D Awareness called Mind. Again shifting to 5D Awareness  we have Consciousness and its Energy vehicle Soul. 

From this we can see that each dimensional mode of Awareness is accompanied by a  correlated Energy body, in accordance with IR’s equation of Awareness and Energy.  Which brings us to Energy. 

Energy etymologically comes from En-ergia, meaning en-action or activity.  Scientifically Energy is considered an Absolute, meaning that Integral Relativity  equates the correlated Absolutes of Awareness and Energy. Historically this has  always been the case, such as the reiteration of John the Divine’s “In the beginning  was the Energy, and the Energy was with Awareness, and the Energy was  Awareness”; or the Vedic cosmological Absolutes called Purusha (Awareness) and  Prakriti (Energy); or the Greeks correlating a Knower (Awareness) with a means of  knowing (Energy). 

So how does Energy come into existence? In our Multi-Dimensional model we see  the 0D Ground State as the matrix of all existence in any specified Dimension. In the  Physical Dimension, we see the ZPF as that Ground State Carrier Wave of all  resulting wave forms, The nature of the matrix is variable energy density, which  means that even that formless state is in a state of vibration of pure potential  Energy, as the Carrier Wave. This is its resting potential. However, if that formless  state is also pure Awareness, then Awareness itself also has the capacity of variable  Energy density when it shifts from potential to kinetic to produce waves with  variable Amplitudes, Frequencies and Spins. 

When we look at a wave’s structure as Amplitude, Frequency and Spin, we can see  that Amplitude is a function of the Spin’s radius, and Frequency a function of the  Spin’s speed. So it is Spin that is the core of a wave’s Energy. In other words,  Awareness in any specified Dimension activates variable Energy density via Spin to  produce the wave’s Information modulations.. 

This association between Awareness and Energy is because Energy is the activity of  Awareness, where Energy is Awareness made existent. Science without Integral  Relativity has had no choice but to see Energy as the doings without a Doer. But  cause and effect is really all about their correlation, such as the Observer Effect.  Popular science skewed Wheeler’s notion of this, where an observed does not exist  without an observer. This is a ridiculous misinterpretation of the Observer Effect. In  Truth (Avarus!) it is far more literal than that: Observer / Effect. 

The coding of Information via Intention – Extension is to follow.

Integral Relativity of Awareness and EnergyThe Continuum of Consciousness, Energy, Mind and Matter Lex Neale ABSTRACT Integral Relativity, as an extension of General Relativity, Special Relativity and Advanced Relativity, has four proposed Tenets: (1) The Equation of Energy with Awareness; (2) The Conservation of Awareness; (3) The Continuum of Energy, Consciousness, Mind and Matter via the Kosmic Constant; (4) The Integral Relativity between Observers and Observed in Hilbert Spaces as specified Frequency Domains. It is corroborated by the Observer Effect in all the related double slit and interferometer experiments, most notably those of Dean Radin’s Sigma 7 rated results; by the “Unified Spacememory Network”, modeled by Nassim Haramein and William Brown; by Dirk Meijer’s 4D quantum modeling of “Consciousness in the Universe”; by Elizabeth Rauscher’s “Complex Eight Dimensional Model of Minkowsky Space; by Lex Neale’s octo-dynamic extension of Ken Wilber’s All Quadrants, All Levels “AQAL Integral model” called the “AQAL Cube”, which correlates non-physical existence with physical existence as an octo-dynamic fractal continuum; and Garret Lisi’s E8 Geometry underlying the unfolding of physical existence. Integral Relativity predicts that the Observer and observed are a mutually inclusive Consciousness/Mind/Energy/Matter continuum through 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D and nD Hilbert Spaces as full-spectrum Domains of correlated existence. We propose that the terms Consciousness and Mind be no longer used synonymously in the scientific community, but differentiated as an integral Awareness/Energy continuum between 4D and 5D Hilbert Spaces, where 5D Consciousness is Subtle intentional awareness, and 4D Mind is its correlated local or Concrete awareness and means of en-action, as per Meijer. Key Words: Observer Effect, Observer/Witness, Consciousness, Mind, Energy, Matter, Quantum Vacuum, Zero Point Field, Quantum Field, Unified Spacememory Network, Hilbert Spaces, Subtle Energy, Integral Theory, AQAL Cube, E8 Geometry, Holographic Fractals DOI Number: 10.14704/nq.2018.16.8.1267 NeuroQuantology 2018; 16(8):48-68 Introduction Integral Relativity was originally presented as a paper “AQAL Square to AQAL Cube – the Integral Relativity of Consciousness, Mind and Energy” at the Integral European Conference in Budapest (Neale, 2014). The paper was then commissioned by Integral Publishers as the book “Knowing the Knower – the Integral Science of Self” (Neale, 2015). “Integral Relativity of Consciousness, Mind and Energy” was presented at The Science of Consciousness Symposium, Tucson (Neale, 2016). By definition, an Integral Metatheory is inclusive of all Awareness and Energy states, structures and phenomena. Therefore, by definition, Integral Relativity correlates Energy in all states with Awareness in all states. The proposal of Integral Relativity as an Integral Metatheory is therefore by definition as a true TOE integrating self-awareness, organism energetics, cultural Corresponding author: Lex Neale Address: Integral Research Center, JFK University CA, USA e-mail  lexneale.integral@gmail.com Relevant conflicts of interest/financial disclosures: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. Received: 4 March 2018; Accepted: 30 July 20

Welcome to Integral Relativity! (see facebooks ref  and image dealing with "spiritual cosmology".

Integral Relativity advocates the primacy of Consciousness as the initiator of all en-action - En-ergia - Energy. Any energetic phenomenon has its correlate in Consciousness. From this follows the Three Tenets of Integral Relativity:

1. The Equation of Energy with Consciousness:
Energy is the action potential and kinesis of Consciousness, and is therefore Consciousness made existent.

This is a reiteration of the biblical Genesis:
In the Beginning was Energy, and the Energy was with Consciousness, and the Energy was Consciousness.

2. The Law of Conservation and Continuity of Consciousness:
Like Energy, Consciousness cannot be created nor destroyed, but only transformed from one state to another.

This is a reiteration of the Buddha’s assertion in the Pali Canon of the continuity of Consciousness.

3. The Law of Kosmic Constancy:
The Kosmic Constant is the primordial frequency or carrier wave of Energy from which all subsequent phenomena emerge. It follows, via the First and Second Tenets, that the Kosmic Constant is also the primordial Consciousness, or the Supreme Knower; the activity of whom is the primordial Energy and all its subsequent phenomena.

Is this woo-woo metaphysics? No, in the true etymological sense of Meta Physics - "beyond the physical". Integral Relativity models the Concrete, Subtle and Causal Spectrums, or Full-Spectrum Domains, as a Domains Holarchy, as Hilbert Spaces of parallel universes of existence and awareness that coexist and coevolve. It is as if to say that the Concrete and Subtle Spectrums are like the Lower and Higher Frequency Bands of a VHF/UHF radio; where the Causal Band is also the Carrier Wave of the others.

Through the Three Tenets, we propose that the Knower operates in the Causal Spectrum as the Observer-Witness; in the Subtle Spectrum as Soul / Consciousness; and in the Concrete Spectrum as Body / Mind; where the Witness is the vehicle of the Knower, Soul is the vehicle of Consciousness, and Body is the vehicle of Mind. It therefore follows that Integral Relativity both differentiates and defines them as: Causal awareness operating through the Subtle Spectrum as Consciousness, and through the Concrete Spectrum as Mind.

Because Planck’s Law maintains that information is proportional to frequency, and that torsional waves at the Planck scale travel at quasi-infinite velocities, it follows that such a wave of quasi-infinite frequency in the Zero Point Field tends towards an amplitude related “omnipotence”, a frequency related “omniscience” and a polarity related “omnipresence”, which, through the Three Tenets, are the capacities of Causal awareness.

We therefore propose here that within such a fundamental vibration, in the “Carrier Wave” as it were of physical existence, there is the informational capacity of a Universal Memory that is none other than the Hindu “Akasha”, or the “Book of Records” of most religions. And implied is that to enter Akashic awareness is to be vibrating in the “Ultra Violet” band of the Spectrum.

Through the First Tenet of Integral Relativity, Consciousness and Energy are two halves of the same coin. In a recent groundbreaking paper, Quantum Physicist Nassim Haramein (2013) announced his discovery that the quantum mass inside a single proton equals the estimated mass of the entire universe! This is weird science, indeed, until one makes the connection: as a wave-vortex, a proton is not separate from all other energy as some isolated “particle”; it only seems separate, just like a wave only seems separate from the ocean it actually is. And if a proton is contiguous with All Energy Everywhere, then it has no individual mass, but a contiguous holographic mass of All Energy Everywhere with no separation in space or time.

This is basically a quantum affirmation of “Indra’s Net”, as described in the Avatamska Sutra of the Mahayanas:
“Far away in the heavenly abode of the great god Indra, there is a wonderful net which has been hung by some cunning artificer in such a manner that it stretches out infinitely in all directions. In accordance with the extravagant tastes of deities, the artificer has hung a single glittering jewel in each “eye” of the net, and since the net itself is infinite in dimension, the jewels are infinite in number. There hang the jewels, glittering “like” stars in the first magnitude, a wonderful sight to behold. If we now arbitrarily select one of these jewels for inspection and look closely at it, we will discover that in its polished surface there are reflected all the other jewels in the net, infinite in number. Not only that, but each of the jewels reflected in this one jewel is also reflecting all the other jewels, so that there is an infinite reflecting process occurring.”

This is a classic description of Haramein’s fractal/holographic metatheory, where Energy is also inclusive of Awareness.
Whereas the Zero Point Field and its pre-quantum Mind correlate provide the ground of physical being, this is NOT the Ground of All Being of spiritual fame. To include the latter we now consider the “big picture” of Integral Relativity – by including the Subtle Energy Spectrum and its Subtle Consciousness correlate.

Through the Three Tenets, it follows that every level of awareness through the Concrete, Subtle and Causal Spectrums have their correlates of Energy activity as bodies and realms of ex-istence. Integral Relativity therefore proposes that these correlated levels of awareness and enactment are synonymous with the Hilbert Spaces.

To demonstrate this, the chart below, presented at the SCS Tucson 2016 shows how all states of awareness and energy enactments from those perspectives are explained by vibratory frequencies that correlate between the Concrete, Subtle and Causal Spectrums at specified levels. We see the three Spectrums as contiguously embodied and embedded aspects of each other. Integral Relativity proposes that the Concrete Body and Mind, the Subtle Soul and Consciousness, and the Causal Witness, are each full-spectrum, each culminating in the Non-Dual awareness in white.

The red arrows show how we evolve towards that through the Three Spectrums, where our physical body is ultimately vibrating as a Light Body, and our Mind is ultimately vibrating in Akashic experience, and where our Soul is vibrating in First Bardo as a Free Soul (Nagual, Bodhisattva), and where our Consciousness is vibrating in Third Stage Enlightenment, and where our Witness is vibrating in the Third Attention. The red dotted lines across each column are the vibrational barriers we need to transcend before having awareness access to the next Domain. These three injunctions therefore explain the Three Tiers. The far left column Body is also synonymous with the vibrational frequencies of the Chakras, which explains and re-contextualizes Wilber’s “subtle energies” in terms of vibrational frequency levels of the physical body itself.

With this model we now have a basis to predict that by elevating the frequency of an individual’s Mind (Radin, Dalai Lama), various practices such as remote viewing, telepathy, prescience, psychokinesis, teleportation, astral travel, materialization and dematerialization, levitation etc. will develop as empirical sciences in their own right. We similarly predict that all the energies variously called Psi (Radin), Morphic Fields (Sheldrake), Holographic Resonance (Haramein), Chi, Ki, Prana, Aether, etc., will be integrated under the umbrella of Mind and its energy correlate the Zero Point Field (aka Quantum Vacuum).

The demonstration of Integral Relativity in the chart, and our proposed correlation between Subtle perspectives with n-dimensional Hilbert Spaces, therefore represents an inter-disciplinary exercise between Phenomenology, Structuralism, Autopoiesis and Empiricism – an exercise which is well under way in the New Sciences with Gary Schwartz, Dean Radin, Stuart Hameroff, Anirban Bandyopadhyay and many others.

My paper on Integral Relativity has just been published and available at:
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