Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Martinus Cosmology

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An eternal world picture

Martinus (1890-1981) has described in his works - collectively known as "The Third Testament" - a logical, cohesive world picture that shows that all living beings form part of a living universe and evolve continuously towards higher forms of life. The great upheavals and crises of our time are expressive of the downfall of a world culture and the birth of new, humane world society.

A spiritual science

In a logical and scientific way the analysis of the living universe makes it probable that an eternal, all-loving God exists, a God that has always been the source of religions and spiritual life. Martinus also shows how our consciousness, psyche and morality evolve through reincarnation and karma according to natural laws that in the course of time result in all experiences, both pleasant and unpleasant, benefitting the individual. Martinus’ collected works constitute a cosmology or spiritual science that can give the reader an optimistic view of life and inspire him to practise tolerance, neighbourly love and a living relationship to God.

The Third Testament

Martinus’ main work consists of Livets Bog (The Book of Life) in 7 volumes. The Eternal World Picture in 5 volumes forms a supplement to Livets Bog. He has also written a series of other books and a substantial number of articles and many of his lectures have been transcribed and published.

The Martinus Institute

The Martinus Institute, which is located in Denmark, is responsible for publishing Martinus’ collected works in all languages and offers an extensive programme of courses and lectures. There is no form of association or membership in connection with the Martinus Cosmology.

Martinus’ symbols

Through the technique of the symbol, the details of the spiritual or cosmic world are thus made physically accessible. They are rendered physically visible in an artificial way.

(The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1, sect. B3)

Martinus has drawn and painted a large number of symbols, which are important elements in his overall description of the eternal world picture. He wanted these symbols to provide an accessible overview of the principles and laws that characterize life and the universe as a whole.

Forty-four symbols with associated symbol explanations are published in his books The Eternal World Picture 1-5; they constitute an important supplement to his main work, Livets Bog (The Book of Life). Martinus left a number of additional symbols, which the Martinus Institute expects to publish in later volumes of The Eternal World Picture.

The symbols are made up of figures, colours and lines, each illustrating specific areas of the cosmic analyses. Martinus has thus created a physical illustration of spiritual realities that are otherwise inaccessible to our physical sensory perception. This physical visibility makes it easier for us to focus our thoughts on spiritual phenomena and to study them in a systematic and purposeful way, as we are accustomed to doing with physical objects and phenomena.

You can liken the symbols to maps. They provide a symbolic representation of the spiritual and cosmic realities, in the same way as maps provide a symbolic representation of geographical realities.

Martinus' symbols are presented below. Each symbol is followed by a brief symbol explanation; we do, however, always recommend readers to read Martinus' own detailed explanations in The Eternal World Picture.

Martinus was born in Denmark in 1890 and lived there until his death in 1981. He is renowned for his comprehensive spiritually scientific writings, which have the collective main title The Third Testament.

His life story is one of a poor, not well read village boy from the north of Jutland who led an obscure life until the age of 30 when he experienced a profound transformation of consciousness that enabled him to describe nothing less than a comprehensive spiritually scientific world picture. After that he spent almost 60 years describing and disseminating this world picture, which is also known as Martinus Cosmology and Martinus Spiritual Science.

He tells his life story (in Danish) in the lecture: : Om mig selv, min mission og dens betydning (About myself, my mission and its significance).

Martinus was born on 11th August 1890 on the outskirts of Sindal, a railway town in the north of Jutland. His childhood home "Moskildvad" -which is now open to the public - bears witness to his poverty-stricken childhood. His mother was unmarried and worked as a housekeeper for the proprietor of a large farm called "Kristiansminde". A stableman, whose surname was Thomsen, was named as his father, and Martinus’ official name was therefore Martinus Thomsen. But Martinus thought it more likely that the proprietor was his real father.

Martinus' mother, 1893 approx.His mother was not in a position to be able to look after the boy, so he was fostered by his mother’s brother and his aunt, and grew up in spartan surroundings in their house, which was called "Moskilvad". His foster parents were elderly and had already brought up 11 children. Martinus always referred to them as very loving people who, despite their modest circumstances, gave him a warm and secure childhood. His contact with his real mother, who died when he was 11 years old, was limited.

In the local village school, teaching was limited to verses of hymns, the catechism, geography, arithmetic and sometimes a little Danish history and natural history - in all six hours a week in the summer and 30 hours a week in the winter. At home the boy often lacked reading material because they could not afford books or magazines. Martinus told us, however, that he inherited old volumes of the magazine Familie Journalen (The Family Journal), which he could read.

As an "illegitimate" child he was, according to the local, evangelical priest, doomed to eternal damnation, but Martinus could not believe that. Martinus had already at that time a close, personal relationship to God. He told us that if a fly was drowning in a milk jug, he would try to save it - otherwise he could not expect God to help him if he were in need.

That which is fundamentally important for the reader is thus not my spiritual experiences as such, but the effects they have had, for these can be investigated by any morally suitable, impartial and liberated human being. These effects constitute my collected manifestation.

After his confirmation Martinus became an apprentice smith. He had, however, to give up his apprenticeship because his constitution was far too delicate for such hard work, and he became a farm worker instead. Martinus was trained as a dairyman in 1910, and worked at various dairies in various parts of Denmark until he moved to Copenhagen in 1917. There he worked as a watchman and postman, until 1920 when he got a job as an office clerk at Enigheden dairy.

But Martinus longed to do more with his life than merely sit in an office and write numbers all day long. For a while he liked the idea of becoming a missionary, but he gave up the idea for various reasons including the fact that he could not reconcile himself with the way people interpreted many of the Christian dogmas at that time. It soon emerged that Martinus had his own, personal mission.

In March 1921 a decisive transformation took place in his life, in that he had strong spiritual experiences that led to a profound expansion of his consciousness. His books On the Birth of My Mission and Intellectualised Christianity provide a thorough and beautiful description of these, for him, unexpected spiritual experiences.

......“The cosmic baptism of fire through which I had passed - the closer analysis of which I cannot specify here - had thus left the fact that entirely new sensory abilities had been released in me, abilities that enabled me - not in glimpses - but on the contrary in a permanent state of awake day consciousness - to apprehend all the main spiritual forces, invisible causes, eternal world laws, basic energies and basic principles behind the physical world. The mystery of existence was therefore no longer a mystery to me. I had become conscious in the life of the whole universe, and had been initiated into ‘the divine principle of creation’.” (Livets Bog 1, sect. 21)

Martinus called this new state of consciousness, which he attained at the age of 30, “cosmic consciousness”. The prerequisite for cosmic consciousness is a highly developed faculty of intuition, which all human beings will develop sooner or later.

When Martinus had received his cosmic consciousness, he had to get used to using it. He quickly understood that becoming a vegetarian was essential for him. He also realised that describing his spiritually scientific analyses in his spare time after work would not suffice. This became the beginning of some very frugal years where Martinus lived on support from kind-hearted people who understood the importance of Martinus devoting himself to his mission. The first volume of his main work Livets Bog (The Book of Life) was ready for publication in 1932. He continued to write for almost 50 years after that, his works comprising several thousand pages of text, symbolic drawings and a long series of lectures.

An important part of his mission consists in shedding light on the development of Christianity and other religions towards a future form corresponding to the level of consciousness of the modern intellectualised human being. For this reason he describes his works as intellectualised Christianity and has given them the common, collective title The Third Testament. Through this he unites the otherwise so separate scientific and religious ways of thinking in a new spiritual science, which he foresees will come to form a foundation for the future development of mankind.

..."The abilities that I had developed are merely what absolutely all human beings before me have attained, and what absolutely all others after me will attain.”

(Intellectualised Christianity, sect. 5)

It was very important for Martinus that no form of sect or membership be built up around his life’s work, and he had no wish whatsoever to be the subject of a personality cult. Being the head of cult or a religious community was not a part of his mission. The main purpose of his life was to write his cosmic knowledge down and disseminate it. In a small, materialistic country like Denmark he could do this work in obscurity. This did not, however, mean that he lived in isolation. He was always very welcoming and took time to answer the questions that people put to him. He was altogether a very cheerful and friendly person who enjoyed the company of good friends. Having evolved to become a double-poled human being meant that he neither lived in a relationship nor had a family. He was frequently asked about this subject, and cheerfully answered that he was married to the whole of mankind.

Martinus lived in a small flat on the first floor of the Martinus Institute until his death in 1981. But his "Cause" lives on and enjoys a steadily increasing interest among spiritual seekers in a number of countries the world over.


The bibliography lists Martinus’ collected works, both those in the original Danish and those currently available in English translation

See a description of the various books via the menu.

Major books (in English)

Livets Bog (The Book of Life), volumes 1, 2 and 4

The Eternal Word Picture, volumes 1-4


Major books that are not yet translated into English:

Livets Bog (The Book of Life), volumes 3, 5, 6 and 7

Det Evige Verdens Billede (The eternal World Picture), volume 5

Bisættelse (On Funerals)

Den intellektualiserede Kristendom (Intellectualised Christianity)

Artikelsamling 1 (Collection of Articles, volume 1)

Shorter Books (in English)

The Fate of Mankind (Book 1)

Easter (Book 2)

The Ideal Food (Book 5)

The Mystery of Prayer (Book 11)

The Road to Initiation Book 12)

The Principle of Reincarnation (Book 16)

World Religion and World Politics (Book 17)

Meditation (Book 20)

The Road of Life (Book 22)

The Immortality of Living Beings (Book 23)

The Road to Paradise (Book 25)

Marriage and Universal Love

Shorter books that are not yet translated into English:

Hvad er sandhed? (What is Truth?- book 3)

Omkring min missions fødsel (On the Birth of My Mission - book 4)

Blade af Guds billedbog (Leaves of God’s Picture Book - book 6)

Den længst levende afgud (The Longest Surviving Idol - book 7)

Menneskeheden og verdensbillede (Mankind and the World Picture - book 8)

Mellem to verdensepoker (Between Two World Epochs - book 9)

Kosmisk bevidsthed (Cosmic Consciousness - book 10)

Juleevangeliet (The Christmas Gospel – book 13)

Bevidsthedens skabelse (The Creation of Consciousness - book 14)

Ud af mørket (Out of Darkness - book 15)

Livets skæbnespil (The Fate-Play of Life - book 18)

Kosmiske glimt (Cosmic Glimpses - book 19)

Hinsides dødsfrygten (Beyond the Fear of Death - book 21)

Kulturens skabelse (The Creation of Culture - book 24)

Djævlebevidsthed og kristusbevidsthed (Devil-consciousness and

Christ-consciousness - book 26)

Verdensfredens skabelse (The Creation of World Peace - book 27)

To slags kærlighed (Two Kinds of Love - book 28)

Other publications

Symbols (coloured plates and posters)

The Structure of Cooperation (not yet available in English)

Martinus’ Memoirs (available in the English edition of Kosmos)

Martinus - As We Remember Him (not yet available in English)


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