Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Ann Ree Colton

Ann Ree Colton
from About the Founders;
photo ©2005 Ann Ree Colton Foundation of Niscience Inc

"Beginning in early childhood, Ann Ree's life bore testimony to her extraordinary spiritual gifts and aptitudes. She was a prophet, clairvoyant, spiritual teacher and healer, author of 23 books on spiritual subjects, lecturer, counselor, creative artisan, and an adept articulate in the inner mysteries. She began her life as a spiritual teacher in her twenties, and served as a teacher of the higher life for over sixty years."
"Ann Ree Colton was a living example of one who dared to reach for her own star. Because of that daring and courage she was used by the Eternals to bring forth a great body of knowledge for the human race to embrace for all time.

Through her revelatory powers, Ann Ree Colton made visible profound insights into our destiny with the Cosmos Mind of the Christ, God-Realization, Soul-Realization and Self-Realization through an Archetypal System of Knowing. She gave us all the tools we would ever need to be Lighted revelatory vehicles for the Eternals. Her Archetypal System provides the inspiration and the Way to walk the path of our destiny and fulfill our life‘s potential as instruments for God."
Like Madame Blavatsky with original Theosophy, Rudolph Steiner with Anthroposophy, and Alice Bailey with the Arcane School, Niscience is based solely on the genius of one person, Ann Ree Colton
It is my feeling that Ann Ree Colton is a genuinely good and spiritual person. And certainly someone of great intellect and occult and spiritual insight. So if i seem at times critical of her style and approach, thius is not to in anyway denigrate her as a spiritual teacher, or a visionary esotericist.
Although clearly a developed spiritual clairvoyant, it is my personal impressions (others may differm,, and indeed I may be completely wrong or biased) that Ann Ree Colton's writings suffer from a strongly puritanical and moralising element with frequent reference to sin and sensuality, from a dense and at times impenetrable jargon with Christian-religious elements sprinkled in, and, worst of all, from a total lack of structure or systematisation of ideas.  Her books, especially her later and more developed ones (The Third Music, Kundalini West, and Galaxy Gate I and II) are a strange combination of great spiritual-psychic insight and completely unstructured presentation.
In the following quotations I have often had to resort to numerous lacuna to improve readability.  It is unfortunate that intractability of style seems to be almost a pre-requesite among occult and esoteric writers, from Blavatsky to Steiner to Crowley to Aurobindo to Colton, so often do they display it.
Main influences seem to be Blavatsky, Adyar Theosophy, Christianity; Rudolph Steiner, and in later works Radha Soami (Sant Mat) (unless she independently discovered the same truths)


While there are a number of books written by Ann Ree Colton, the following two are my favourite
cover - click for Amazon pageThe Third Music - this book will be of more interest to readers interested in Ann Ree's own teaching, and less to those who are more interested in Tantra and the chakras. Same cosmology and approach as in Kundalini West - she has a lot to say about the various levels of lower and higher consciousness.

Kundalini WestKundalini West as the title indicates, the subject of this book is the chakras and kundalini as interpreted through Ann Ree's own brand of Christian theosophy. References are made to western concepts such as the 12 zodiacal archetypes, the etheric and emotional and mental body, and so on. There are Eastern references but they are often idiosyncratically interpreted.

Web linksLinksWeb links
web page About the Founders - very short bios of Ann Ree Colton and Jonathan Murro
web page Testimony for the Teacher - Ann Ree Colton, Cosmos Disciple

Kheper index page
Topics index page
Niscience main page

1 comment:

  1. Nice to find your blog.

    Regarding the "puritanical and moralising element", is your objection due to its presence (i.e. you disagree with it) or due to its quantity or emphasis? Her verbal comments generally included practical remarks on the reality of human weakness and how patience is needed for its overcoming. She didn't, however, say that patience implies no effort. In fact, she said that the chief barrier to progress in meditation (but I think also in moral areas) is the desire for instantaneous (and effortless) results.

    Organization, I agree, wasn't the highest priority. She needed to get the voluminous material on paper as much of it was written in her later years when her health was declining.

    Dense material - in her later books, yes. Same problem as with organization. She had to get it in print. I find that you can meditate on small snippets by themselves and get more out of that than reading large tomes - and you have a truth in a nicely condensed form. If one reads lots of books without digesting them, he may think that they cohere in his mind, but when he tries to say what he thinks he knows or write about it, he finds considerable gaps. Truth is often not as complicated as our opinions about it!

    Jargon (I prefer "terminology") may be difficult, but the terms she used were pretty apt. I found that she actually simplified a lot of concepts from Theosophy, Alice Bailey, and others. In Alice Bailey, numerous similar concepts had a plethora of names, as they do in a lot of Sanskrit literature. I think the thousand personifications of qualities in Sanskrit literature make for a more baffling - if sometimes more nuanced - understanding of them.


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