Tuesday, 9 June 2015

The Human Soul...

Its Movements, Its Lights, and the Iconography of the Fluidic Invisible

Dr. H. Baraduc

Lights of the Human Soul

XXI. Images projected in the dark.

1st. Psychicone, image of Paya (son of the doctor) projected by Mme B. in the dark with the hand in front of the plate.
Explanation XXI. — 1st. Psychicone, image of Paya (son of the doctor) projected by Mme B. in the dark with the hand in front of the plate. In the middle of an odic cloud, the face of P. appears, impressed, coming from the fingers. They are the features of the child, such as he was two years ago: the creative spirit of Mme B. saw P. as he was at five and not as he was at seven years of age.
A 2nd Psychicone is equally a projection due to Mme B. who sought to project my image under the same conditions. A whitish form is seen, surrounded by Od vaguely impressed (without apparatus, with electricity, the fingers stretched towards the plate).
2nd Psychicone, image of Dr. Baraduc, a projection by Mme B., under the same conditions.

XXII. Iconograph of state of soul.

Iconograph of state of soul.
Explanation XXII. — This iconography was obtained by Dr. Baraduc after a visit to the Church of Sacre-Couer. He was under the impression of the teaching of Christ preaching the forgiveness of injuries.

XXIII. Projection of special state of soul.

Dr. Maurice Adam's first psychicone, representing a spectral veiled headshaped form.
Explanation XXIII. — Dr. Maurice Adam, who wished to try and repeat some experiments after my directions, produced these two psychicones in a special state of soul, that of worry, which had modified his ordinary life. These were produced, by the hand, above the plate. The first represents a spectral veiled headshaped form; the second, a jeering face. These images have also been obtained by the single projection of thought.
Dr. Maurice Adam's second psychicone, representing a jeering face.

XXIV. Psychicone without aid of hand.

Psychicone produced by Mr. Hasdeu of Bucharest. This image shows the possibility of the creative spirit acting on a plate without the help of the hand.
Explanation XXIV. — Psychicone produced by Mr. Hasdeu of Bucharest. This image shows the possibility of the creative spirit acting on a plate without the help of the hand.
On the upper part a burst of odic projection is seen, in the centre a large spot, the profile of which is turned towards the left represents the features of Mr. Hasdeu's brother. The icone is due to the spirit of Mr. Hasdeu, who has modulated the image of his brother in his brain and then projected it over the lamp. Here is a psychicone without the intervention of the hand, by the single tension of the creative spirit.
Psychicone or image of the spirit, obtained by telepathy between Messrs. Istrati & Hasdeu of Bucharest.
Explanation XXIV a. — Telepathic Psychicone.
Psychicone or image of the spirit, obtained by telepathy between Messrs. Istrati & Hasdeu of Bucharest.
Dr. Istrati going to Campina it was agreed he should at a fixed date appear at Bucharest on a plate of the Roumanian savant, at a distance of about 100 miles.
August 4, 1893, Mr. Hasdeu evoked the spirit of his friend on going to bed, one apparatus at the foot, another at the head of his bed.
On the other hand, Dr. Istrati slept at Campina with the firm determination of appearing in one apparatus of Mr. Hasdeu's.
In reality, on the plate A, three attempts are seen, one of which has been extremely successful. Dr. Istrati returned to Bucharest and remained quite astonished in front of his physionomic profile. His fluidic image is very characteristic in the sense that it is a more exact expression of him than his photographic profile.
The reduced portrait and the telepathic psychicone are very much alike.

XXV. Emanation of the Somod.

Emanation of the Somod.
Explanation XXV et XXVa — The two icones of this light are emanations of the human soul Somod. It is the fluidic expiration. I am able to confirm this fact all the more as these plates were obtained while investigating the form of expansion repelling the biometric needle.
The second is the signature of the force emanated from the soul, the Ob, repelling 15 degrees. The first which represents the obic force of my head, has repelled the needle 2°, as if a part of the exhalation had been employed for the formation of this icone XXV and XXVa.
These two negatives were obtained in the dark with red light, the plate put in front of the biometric apparatus with neither electricity nor photographic apparatus, the hand stretched towards the sensitive plate.
Emanation of the Somod.

XXVI. Voluntary Psychob.

Voluntary psychob impression by Major Darget.
Explanation XXVI. — Major Darget, placing his fingers together, projected his will on a sensitive plate, saying "In the interest of science, I want this plate to receive an impression."
Numerous pearls are seen on it, produced by the exterioration of the will.
(Without apparatus and electricity, in red light, in Major Darget's cellar.)
Voluntary psychob impression by Nadar
Explanation XXVIa. — Voluntary Psychob.
Photog. of Nadar in red light, his form appears very clearly in electric light on ground glass. — Large sized pearls of voluntary psychob, sparkling pearled of the will with well-marked circle of peripheric Od.

XXVII. Signature of prayer.

Signature of prayer.
Explanation XXVII. — Iconography produced in April 1894 in the dark, both hands stretched towards the plate without photographic apparatus.
Animistic state very thoughtful. The doctor wished to know if prayer is a force having a special signature. He obtained a small flange of thin pearls with a single ray; the pearl is the act of exterioration of the spirit which has left its covering to reascend to its psychical source.

XXVIII. Fluidic spectre of the body.

Photograph of Dr. Hippolyte Baraduc in daylight.
Psychicone image of Dr. Hippolyte Baraduc's head, immersed in an odic mass.
Spiritualised soul, a thin star pearl with four branches; at the centre, the area of the divine ray, a fine circle of odic covering around four rays communicating with the four breezes of the spirit.
Spontaneous Icone generated by Dr. Hippolyte Baraduc.
Explanation XXVIII.
1. Photograph of Dr. Baraduc in daylight.
2. Psychicone image of his head, immersed in an odic mass, in the middle of which his desired icone clearly appears.
3. Physical soul, spiritual ego. Spiritualised soul, a thin star pearl with four branches; at the centre, the area of the divine ray, a fine circle of odic covering around four rays communicating with the four breezes of the spirit.
4. Spontaneous Icone representing the fluidic spectre of the body reproducing the form of his head. This icone was made in red light with the right hand, placed in front of the sensitive plate which is set before the biometric apparatus so as to study at the same time the expansive force of Ob, repelling the needle 2°, and giving its own siganture, whilst crossing the sensitive layer, the glass, the apparatus to repel the needle.

XXIX. Concomitant invisible movement.

Series of three photos of a child, each representing a different mode, capturing different vital energy signatures.
Explanation XXIX. — These three photograph-iconographs show the relation existing between the expression of the face, a visible reflection of the soul on the features, and the signature of the animistic forces of concomitant invisible movement (no electricity, in morning light, with apparatus).
In the first, the child is sadly stroking a recently killed fowl.
The third represents the child in happy possession of this fowl.
The second expression is that of contemplation, of meditation.
It will be remarked that the form of the vitual fluid varies with the different states of soul of the child.

XXX. Electro-static light.

Luminous spectre of the north pole magnet, obtained by the red electric photographic lamp, surrounded by fine pearls of psychecstasis.
The electro-positive fluid is presented in the expansive form of ruffled hair.
Explanation XXX. — Electro-static light.
1. Luminous spectre of the north pole magnet, obtained by the red electric photographic lamp, surrounded by fine pearls of psychecstasis.
2. The electro-positive fluid is presented in the expansive form of ruffled hair. It is obtained by placing the hand or an object on a plate, put in an electro-negative bath, and then withdrawing it very quickly. The aigrette is crushed on to the plate and gives this longhaired appearance.

Its Movements, Its Lights, and the Iconography of the Fluidic Invisible

Dr. H. Baraduc

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