Monday, 29 October 2012

The World of Babaji


In the year 203 A. D. boy Nagaraj was born in what is now the seaport town of Porto Novo on the eastern coast of India. While still a youth he was kidnapped by a Pathan and taken north to Dacca. He was later released and migrated to Benares where he shone as a Sanskrit scholar of great eminence.
Discontent with this early success and destined for a greater end, he sailed by boat to the powerful shrine of Katarigama on the southern coast of Lanka. For 18 months he plunged into meditation where, with his astute intellect, he analyzed the different philosophical systems threadbare. Drawing inspiration from the great Siddha of Science, Boganathar, he was able to appreciate and understand the full significance of Siddhantha Yoga and Soruba Samadhi and he accepted the challenge of attaining this mystic goal, supreme.
Following the inner call, he wondered throughout South India and was extremely fortunate to be initiated into the mysteries of Kundalini Yoga by the great Tamil Siddha, Agastya Maharishi at Courtrallam.
Now retiring to a lonely Himalayan cave, he remained absorbed in intensive Yogic sadhana for years at a stretch, finally to emerge LAUGHING AT THE LIMITATIONS OF DEATH.
The immortal Babaji made his own contributions to the nucleus given by Sage Agastya, renamed it "Kriya", and has retained his form through the centuries tapping many, speaking to few and materializing to give darshan to his saintly chosen. For centuries he worked behind the scenes as the source of inspiration and guidance to past Kriya Masters like Adi Shankara, Kabir Das, Lahi Mahasaya and many others.
Thus He is the climax of the Eighteen Tamil Yoga Siddhas tradition, which includes Thirumoolar, Ramadevar, Kumbamuni, Konkanavar, Sattamuni, Karoovurar, Sundaranandar, Valmiki, NandiDevar, Paambati, Boganathar, Macchamuni Patanjali, Dhanvanthri, Goraknath, Kudambai, Idaikadar and Kamala Muni.
In the year 1944 Kriya Babaji felt the need for a society in his name through which he could contact his devotees the world over. International Babaji Yoga Sangam came into existence and Yogi S.A.A. Ramaiah, the direct disciple of Sathguru Babaji, has continued to spread the Science of Kriya Yogam to the nooks and corners of the earth, giving initiation and training to sincere seekers of Truth.
Through the Omnipotent Grace and assistance of Kriya Babaji, 50 world-wide branches of this international organization have been established and, as directed by the great Sathguru, development of an International Tamil Kriya Yoga University is being planned.
The university will apply scientific methods and laboratory procedure to ancient formulae embedded in the literary works of the Yoga Siddhas. International Babaji Yoga Sangam has the largest collection of these rare "edus" in the whole world which will be deciphered with the light of Kriya Yoga, and the scientific genius of the Yoga Siddhas will become recognized and appreciated the world over.
International Babaji Yoga Sangam fervently appeals to sympathizers of this divine work to lend their support, financial, manual, and moral, in helping us make this dream of Kriya Babaji a physical reality: Such self sacrifice ensures that the Light of Truth will burn Forever and Anon!
There are two distinct ways of life - materialistic and spiritualistic. The former is mainly physical and followed extensively in the Western hemisphere and the latter is mainly mystic, prevalent in the Eastern hemisphere. Occidental materialism denies the independent existence of spirit and maintains that there is but one substance -MATTER. Oriental spiritualism, on the other hand, emphasizes that the spirit (or soul clothed with the sheaths of the mind) has a real, perhaps the only lasting existence apart from matter. The core of materialism is science, the quest of material TRUTH with the aid of a laboratory, while the core of spiritualism is Mysticism, the scientific art of realizing eternal TRUTH (Creator or Soul, call it what you may) and its message.
These two ways of life, one harping only on the creation and the other the Creator, are incomplete and the pages of history have proved beyond doubt their inadequacy to solve the vital problems of life and usher in the millennium. The scientific West has mastered the forces of the physical plane but is yet not happy, groping in the dark for PEACE, material and mental. On the other hand the mystic East which has produced Buddhas, Christs, Ramakrishnas and Sages has badly neglected the material aspect of existence to be subjugated and exploited by powerful material nations and denied their birthright of freedom which has prevented them for centuries from playing their rightful part in deciding the destiny of the globe.
It is with pleasure we note the change for the better in world thought today. The impact of western materialism on eastern spiritualism is profound and deep. Oriental politics is waking up from its age long slumber and westerners have started sitting meekly at the feet of mystic Masters in quest of eternal peace and bliss. Very slowly but steadily the world is taking to SCIENTIFIC MYSTICISM which is another name for Kriya Yoga. 
Kriya Yoga, the most ancient system of Yoga, has been practiced as part of Siva Yoga Siddhantham through the ages, immemorial. It was revived by Kriya Babaji about 1794 years back. Kriya Yoga is a five-fold path of Kriya Hatha Yogum, Kriya Vasi Yogum (pranayam), Kriya Dhyana Yogum (meditation), Kriya Mantra Yogum and Kriya Bhakti Yogum ( the Yoga of Love and Devotion). It is, in short, the gospel of Kriya Mulaguru Babaji Nagaraj as practiced and preached by International Babaji Yoga Sangam. There is only one Guru in the Kriya Yoga Order and that is Sathguru Kriya Babaji, and hence it is called the Babaji Yoga Sangam.
Kriya, the Gospel of Scientific Mysticism, is not a creed or cult but an integral WAY OF LIFE, leading to all-round development- mystic, mental, and physical.
Jnana means knowledge, mystic and material, and refers to Kriya philosophy. The proper outlook and mental background are essential for progress, otherwise the precious teachings of the Kriya Yogi will go to waste and fail to sprout like seeds sowed in barren ground. The flower-bed must be tilled and prepared to yield the beautiful blossoms of Kriya. Hence the aspirant must necessarily pass through the none-to-pleasant preliminary stage of being examined, studied, and trained by the Guru before being accepted.
Mantras are sacred formulae meant to be repeated over and over again; that is japa. The sadhak will have to chant these mantras till the end in view is attained to the satisfaction of the master. Mantra Sastra is a vast, scientific art with different-grades or steps.
After one attains mantra siddhi (perfection) one is fit for Dhyana and the aspirant is led step by step into the deeper mysteries of concentration to realize God and attain perfection.
The fourth facet of this soul-stirring Gospel is Kriya Kundalini Pranayam, a form of Raja Yoga which has been in existence for centuries and the technique varies from master to master. Receiving the nucleus from Agasthya Maharishi at Shakti Peatam, Courtrallam, South India, Kriya Babaji has become an adept and made His original contributions to the scientific art during His long sojourn at Badrinath, Himalayas. This Kriya technique should not be published and given recklessly for it is a double edged weapon. If practiced under an able experienced master the benefits are immense, otherwise it is definitely dangerous and harmful, hence it is kept a secret to be received from the Guru in private. Further, to begin with, only a simple preliminary initiation will be given and after the aspirant has been made fit through arduous sadhana he or she will be taught the advanced techniques.
The last phase and climax of the sadhana is Sathguru Dheeksha (initiation and blessing by the Sathguru). A Guru (master) is one who has realized God and can dispel the darkness of ignorance. He can show the path to God whereas a Sathguru like KRIYA BABAJI of the Himalayas can actually show God to a fit disciple with a touch, glance, or mere wish. In the final stages the Kriya sadhak may reach the goal with one leap after receiving Sathguru Dheeksha.
With the blessings of the Kriya Mulaguru, International Babaji Yoga Sangam was founded to propagate this five-fold path of Kriya Yoga. As directed by the Master it was established on October 17, 1952 to spread far and wide the Light of Kriya for the emancipation of suffering humanity.
Irrespective of caste, creed and nationality anybody can become a member who would accept Sathguru Babaji as their ideal and SEEK BABAJI TO BECOME A BABAJI.
All aspirants will be tested thoroughly before being accepted by the great master (patience and self-sacrifice are indispensable for success) but if one manages to win His omnipotent Grace it will be found, through experience, to be one of the greatest blessings human beings can aspire for. Then the Sathguru will chalk out a distinct course of sadhana for the disciple taking into full consideration his past, the previous sadhana, and temperament. The eminence of the Kriya Mulaguru lies in the fact that His Kriya is not a dull, flat path applied with monotonous uniformity to all, but varied from person to person according to their tastes and fitness. Some become mantra sadhaks (that is, the emphasis is more on mantras), some shine as karma yogis and a few are guided along the path of Kriya Hatha Yoga and so on. All are Overcome to share the mystic treasures of Babaji's Kriya Yoga through International Babaji Yoga Sangam.

                    HISTORICITY OF BABAJI
In this world of materialistic rationalism many a a soul blinks in wonder whether it is ever possible for Kriya Babaji, the great reviver of Kriya Yoga, to have lived for over 1751 years having been born in 203 A.D. at  Porto Novo, Tamil Nad, South India.  For such doubting Thomases Kriya Babaji has allowed us to publish for the first time the following signature of His with a hieroglyphic symbol:

Bear Mountain
Yogiyar's Schedule
Palaniandavar Temple
Richville Muruga Temple
Babaji Ramalinga Temple
British Babaji Yoga Sangam
Babaji Yoga Holistic Hospital
Babaji Kali Thandava Temple
Initiation Pledge by Kriya Babaji
Initiation into Pranayam and Dhyanam
Essay by Yogi S.A.A. Ramaiah on Kriya Yoga

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